Fundraising support

I Tilotamma Tare being the head would like to tell all of you to follow the basic hand hygiene and prevent the spread of COVID-19, wash your hands very frequently with soap and water and I also request all of you to stay at home and practice social distancing!
I Madhavi I would like to to request all of you to stay at home and do this for your own safety always follow the social distancing norms in all the public places and share as much information as you can to help the needy
I Vaibhav Trivedi would like to tell all of you that we are all together against this COVID-19 pandemic I request you to help people who need your help provide them with proper food sanitation so that they can also live a healthy life during this difficult circumstances and stay at home eat healthy!
I Mr Bhatnagar would like to share some basic norms which can prevent the risk ok of COVID-19 up to an extent do not spit in public places always wear a mask when outside the house be away from others at least 6 feet away avoid handshakes or hugs and instead greet people with a namaskar lastly stay at home and be safe!